Taut Works (working name, y’all) is my dream baby. It is the confluence of play, uncertainty, risky business, and experimentation. A space for learning while breathing in the pleasure + promise that there will always be so much more that we will never know. It is a home and a studio and a residency. Dynamic and responsive, it is also permanently scrappy because I am scrappy and the world is piled up high with scraps.

Taut Works’ goal is to support artists who can’t afford to access the TC2 loom. It is still figuring out how to make this all work financially. Right now it’s one foot in front of the other, with a clear eye on the undeniable resilience and unconventional ingenuity of creative workers.

Do you have fundraising know-how, or an interest in supporting artists’ access to the TC2 loom? Want to know more about why this loom is cool? Keep reading, and get in touch.


Taut Works is located in the middle north of the US (Mpls, MN, occupied Dakota land), on the first floor of a midtown-Phillips creative home. Residents will have access to a private bedroom in a 2-bedroom apartment and a very fancy loom in the living room, warped with 2,640 individually operated threads, and 56″ of weaving width. When you come, if you have a little extra money, I will also make sure you are very well fed: home-made pasta, the best dairy-free ice cream you’ve ever eaten, bountiful salads, pastries. Happy to work with many dietary restrictions too.

More details coming soon! Please check out the FAQs and send questions and suggestions to me at heather (dot) mackenzie (at) gmail (dot) com. If you use a subject that includes “TC2” I am more likely to see it.
